Team Building And Team Training -- Improving The Way Your Organization
Whether your challenge is to improve the ability
of team members to work and plan together, to form a new team,
or to master techniques associated with team problem solving, quality,
productivity, improvement, and service excellence, we can help. Our approach
to intra-team development and inter-team development is unmatched. Our
experience includes improving teams at all levels. We love
working with cross functional teams and we have had dramatic results with
hundreds of front line teams. From evaluation to team building and team
assessment tools and interviews; from entrepreneurial start-up to large
systems turnaround, from private sector to public sector, in non-profit, associations, and private sector.
Teams first confront their strengths and weaknesses.
They are then led through a series of learning situations and planning
exercises to create a new future.
It All Begins With The Senior Team
Any way you look at it, strategic planning and
team building, is the province of the executive team, not in a dynamic
ongoing process. Strong organizations operate strategically, constantly
reviewing goals and activities. Our process of strategic review involves an
ongoing analysis of strengths and weaknesses in the seven key areas of
organization effectiveness.
Strategy - Is the strategy, the plan, or
the course of action we have chosen to pursue leading to the appropriate
allocations of our resources to achieve our mission and purpose? Where
are we going? Where do we intend to go?
Structure - Is the current organization
structure appropriate? Are the reporting relationships, the spans of
control, and the structure fostering collaboration and goal attainment?
Are we encouraging horizontal relations and collaboration - or are we creating functional conflicts?
Systems - Do our reports, routines, processes,
meetings, and materials, support our mission? Is the work we do required?
Have we distinguished between controls and control? Do the formats facilitate
goal accomplishment and provide information which can be acted upon?
Where are the barriers?
Staff - Do we have the appropriate people
in the right locations with the right skills? Is the staff balanced
to work load and priorities? Is the flow of work, information and outputs
smooth without bottlenecks or barriers? Is our selection system working?
Style - How are our managers/leaders behaving
in achieving organizational goals? Participative? Involving employees?
Focusing on problem solving rather than blaming? Are teams functioning?
Goal directed? Innovative?
Skills - Do we have the skills needed, collectively
or individually, to carry out our responsibilities? Does an analysis
of all the positions on the team reveal weaknesses? What can be done
to overcome these?
Shared Values - How are we doing on communicating
our values, expectations, principles, mission, vision, purpose and goals?
Are all committed to continuous improvement, customer first and team
philosophy? Are we celebrating and recognizing achievements, growth,
and improvements in the spirit of high trust and excellence?
We Can Help You
Build more collaborative environments, bust bureaucracies,
tear down walls and barriers
Train teams and team leaders
Build high performance teams
Conduct strategic planning meetings
Assist in the development of plan documents
Help create an action matrix designating key activities, measurements,
and empowering others
Implement a team/individual performance management
Total Teamwork - A Results Based Approach
A Team Building/Team Skills Workshop
The total teamwork workshop maintains a premier customer service focus,
building stronger teams in order to provide better service and results.
Building and Sustaining Effective Teams- A Sample Training Outline
THINK TEAM! Why team work? What are the benefits? Why the resistance?
How teams create peak performance
Building championship attitudes
The peak performer mentality - the relationship between individual
and excellence in individual execution and team performance
How to create the "wow" in team work and team activities
Dealing with team problems/challenge
-Problem members
-Unclear objectives
-Closed mindedness
The stages of team development - how to manage
Building team fundamentals - how to do it
-Discipline + Heart + Trust + Respect
Five Team Fundamentals - Exercises and activities to master each
-Alignment and purpose
-Personal excellence
-Cause and effect analysis
-Building commitments to each other
-Integration and boundary spanning
-Measurement and feedback processes
-Celebrating accomplishments